I got my ICF ACC!

At the turn of 2022, I received my Associate Certified Coach credential from the International Coaching Federation! Thankful to all the mentors, clients and peers whom I’ve gotten to know and respect throughout this journey – your belief and trust in me have made me the coach I am today. Grateful and excited for the learning, growing and coaching that will unfold in the road ahead!

Leaving 3 things (of many) I’ve learnt through coaching, which I apply not just to my coaching sessions, but also to myself (always the best litmus test!):

  • You are whole, and you hold the answers – The act of believing in the wholeness of a person, and the answers they have for themselves, when they gain awareness of themselves – has immense power to generate trust, clarity and progress.
  • The answer you get is only as good as the question you ask – Many a time, I’ve seen the conversation ‘unlock’ and gears moving into drive, when I pose a question that opens up a new perspective. If you can find those questions, you can move toward uncovering the answers.
  • The magic is in the doing – Action, no matter how incremental or atomic, will allow for personal experience and experimentation. If possible, it’s always helpful to apply your understanding of yourself to design simple systems that help you get from 0 to 1 at least (or what I call the first mile).

To a wonderful 2022 ahead for everyone!

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